SSUS has given emphasize on homestead gardening as a woman can harvest crops of round year vegetable. She can offer part time labour in production. Its fill-up the household demand for consumption which prevent / reduced malnutrition of the family members. More over she can earn. In last year (2003), 300 women are given training and micro-credit support to start Home stead gardening who has scope of land for garden.
In our country especially at rural area about all families have tendency to rear poultry bird. But only due to crisis of latest technology and proper financial support the activities could not be achieved with satisfactory result. SSUS has provided short training on rearing and support through vaccination program. Moreover, Micro-credit support to needy women for the activities. Maximum families are selling eggs and birds after their own consumption. This activity is directly helping in nutritional aspects of the family members.
About 72 women are received training on cow rearing and beef fattening. 40 women are received loan for same activity. They are selling milk locally after family consumption, The babies and young children are taking ideal food through milk which is a vital component of nutrition arena.
There are 30 new nurseries are established under SSUS through target beneficiaries. Before initiative they were provided training and credit support who claimed for financial support. In most of the nurseries, fruit, ayurvedic and vegetable saplings are being produced besides timber tree saplings. The producers are selling their saplings at village market and nearest urban spot.
SSUS has given emphasis for plantation of fruit and medicinal trees under social forestry activity. In any occasion like training, workshop, and special day observation, the saplings are distributed to the target members in subsidized rate. In social forestry, addition of fruit and medicinal tree has increased the fruit production which reducing malnutrition in the rural area. Even the poor people are using medicinal tree for treatment.
The mini-pond, ditches and other water bodies in the project are brought under fish cultivation. SSUS has provided proper training with the support of expertise from other organizations and govt. departments. SSUS is also assisting the members to collect fish-linger with the support of fisheries expert. Family members are taking fish from their product for own consumption that is helping in nutritional purpose.
The target members who have got no land for agro based activities and who are mostly interested for them SSUS is providing training on off-form activities. The training is short, Mid and long-term basis. The off-farm activities are handicrafts (bamboo leaf items), agro processing (Pickles, chanachur, vermicelli, fried rice, pressed rice making), block-batik (for bed sheet, dresses), hand embroidery (for dresses, bed sheets) and tailoring. For training, own-expertise and trainers from outside are utilizing. After training the trained and skill members are provided credit and necessary support to start IGA/micro-enterprise. Market linkages are also provided to the producers after enhancement of quality. Through off-farm activities, sustainable employment is possible which is done by SSUS for its target members. From this type of activities, their income is increasing which help them to develop capacity of buying their necessary goods.
Shop - Keeping, small trade, micro-enterprise is the very common IGAS are found within the target members. Beneficiaries are provided training on "Enterprise development & Simple accounts keeping". SSUS is also support them for business planning, counseling and necessary micro-Credit support. It has found that, out of total credit disbursed amount, about 38% amount has disbursed on shop keeping and small trade activities. Here another benefit is, members are employed for full time work of the year and regular income they received.
In Chittagong, the project implemented to rehabilitate the prostitute adolescents. Primarily the person-to-person survey was made. After survey the target members are identified. They placed in to Drop-in-center and provided life-skill training and education. They provided health treatment and medicinal support also. The skilled members are provided micro-finance support for self employment.
Both to male and female, the development education is provided under the PLCEHD-1 programme by the financial support of Govt. In this project all learners received signature knowledge and reading & writing. Beside the non-formal education, they provided life skill training against human resources development. After the training each of them received credit support for self employment as needs of income generating activities.
Under this project the illiterate populace received development education by the staffs of SSUS. The project was implemented under the financial support of Government. In this project, all learners received signature knowledge and reading-writing skill development. In the area of Hatia, Noakhali and Bayazid upazilas of Chittagong district the project implemented
SSUS has been working on community development through social institution building since its inception in 1999 in all the working villages, which are supported by the above-mentioned partner NGOs and community-based initiatives. Formation of Community Based Organization and its capacity building is one of the primary and basic works.
Concretization is the most and important program of the organization. It begins from -the start and continues continuously for raising mass awareness. Awareness in all respects among the targeted people and the community people. So, far it has been Concretization approximately 75,000 people in different respects. Now the community people of SSUS working areas are fairly conscious in all respects and they can understand their development should be done themselves. In this regard, SSUS arranges personal contacts, door step visits, group meetings, gatherings, seminars, workshops, folk songs, popular theatres, circulate posters, leaflets, stickers, charts, billboards, sign boards etc.
The organization first selects the working areas, conducts base line surveys and identifies the targeted beneficiaries. After identification, motivate and educate the targeted, people on the goal and objectives of the organization and activities. When the beneficiaries realize that they should be organized, then the staff members organize them into small savings groups and conduct weekly meetings and collect weekly savings to build capital of the poor beneficiaries. So far approximately 1700 targeted people, have been organized into approximately 75 savings groups and their accumulated savings size is Tk. 12,00,000/-, which is being revolved for undertaking income generating activities by the group members.
It aspires for a society free from exploitation, deprivation, oppression, malnutrition, domination, starvation, where every individual will be able to get equal and rightful shares of the resources, human rights, social. Rights, social security, where justice, human dignity, democratic value will be honored and every individual will be able to live in peace, justice and harmony.
SSUS has developed various types of visual materials under various development programs of Government and Non-Govt. Development Partners; such as various types of modules on various project components, posters, leaflets, stickers, training manuals and modules for different types of development project activities for various rural and urban development project components including training materials, training scripts, IEC/BCC materials for campaign, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation forms/reports, color poster on several social issues, flyer on various social issues, Cap, Festoon, Flip Chart, Brochure, Folder etc. on a professional manner. SSUS has the appropriate and available professional expert in these regards. Following modules and manual were developed by the expert professionals of SSUS under various development programs implemented by the Firm with the various development partners:
SL | Name of module and manual |
1 | Candle Making Process |
2 | Cow Rearing |
3 | Nursery Management |
4 | Mobile Servicing |
5 | Beef Fattening |
6 | Duck Rearing |
6 | Goat Rearing |
7 | Tailoring |
7 | Home Stead gardening |
8 | Poultry Rearing/Farming |
9 | Social forestry |
10 | Fish culture / agriculture |
11 | Agro Processing |
12 | Food Processing |
13 | Block and Batik Print |
14 | Hand Embroidery |
15 | Shop Keeping |
16 | Leadership |
17 | Primary Health Care |
18 | IGA Selection |
19 | Health & Nutrition |
20 | Water & Sanitation |